Powering the energy transition with social innovation

The ENGAGE project investigates the potential for social innovations to contribute to a successful and inclusive energy transition. ENGAGE shares all findings, tools and methods to facilitate social and financial involvement in energy projects and accelerate the transformation of the energy system.
Energetic News
Check here for the latest news, research and updates about the ENGAGE project. We’ll also keep you posted on events and opportunities to get involved. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates delivered directly to your inbox.
Social Innovation Challenge
The Social Innovation Challenge is a national competition designed to promote social innovations that can contribute to the energy transition. Candidates who advance to the final round can win individualised coaching sessions and access to the ENGAGE partner network.
The competition is now closed. We're pleased to announce the following winners of the Social Innovation Challenge:
1st place: RevoluSUN
2nd place: Peoples Power
3rd place: CoBenefit
We'd like to thank all contestants for pitching such inspiring project ideas!

About us

The ENGAGE project investigates the potential for social innovations to contribute to a successful and inclusive energy transition. Research results will be used to mobilise and expand the potential for social innovations to increase public participation in the energy transition.
The project aims to boost participation in two ways:
- by facilitating citizens’ social and financial involvement in energy projects, and
- by encouraging the development of social innovations that can accelerate the energy transition.
To support this process, ENGAGE partners are currently developing an interactive decision-making tool that will serve as Germany’s central point of contact for interested citizens and project developers. The Energiewende-O-Mat will match citizens to the energy transition projects that are most closely aligned with their geographic, technological, financial or other preferences.
Find out morePartners
Great things come from great teamwork! ENGAGE was made possible through the close collaboration of project partners, with generous support from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. The result represents an important contribution to a climate-neutral, citizen-centred future.

The Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility (IKEM) is a non-profit association and independent research institute with more than 10 years of experience in interdisciplinary climate research. Its goal is to identify political, economic and legal pathways to increase renewable energy generation and achieve measurable reductions in carbon emissions. IKEM employs innovative approaches to system transformation and creative communication formats make its findings accessible to the public.

is dedicated to designing a successful energy transition. eueco makes it possible for citizens to participate digitally in a wide variety of renewable energy initiatives. Its white-label platform has already facilitated digital engagement in 400 projects. eueco's customers include municipal utilities, energy supply companies, project developers and citizen energy companies. The individualised, transparent participation processes available through its platform ensure that energy initiatives gain public acceptance, maximise direct participation and create value for the region. eueco has provided white-label services since 2012 and is the market leader.
Bündnis Bürgerenergie
is committed to the development of a citizen-driven energy supply that is based on 100% renewable energies. This is a key step in realising its vision: a successfultransition to a renewable energy system by 2030. A decentralised energy transition is a feasible, affordable solution for a climate-friendly energy supply that can be implemented by a broad population.

Die 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung is a non-profit foundation under civil law. Since its founding in 2010, it has worked to develop a 100% renewable energy supply that is decentralised, climate friendly and community-oriented. Its mission is to design an energy transition that meets people’s needs. Its goal is an energy transition for all!
Go to the websiteGet started!
We’re working hard to develop the Energiewende-O-Mat, a platform that will offer information on energy transition projects and opportunities for social engagement. The platform is modelled after the Wahl-O-Mat, an online tool that matches voters with the political platform that comes closest to their views. We’re now creating an Energiewende-O-Mat prototype – the next step in bringing this project to life!
In our current research and design phase, we’re collecting data, gathering information on different projects and systematically evaluating potential options. This involves identifying exciting energy transition projects, zeroing in on opportunities for public participation and designing a digital tool that connects citizens to the energy projects they find most inspiring. Check back soon to try out the Energiewende-O-Mat, discover exciting energy projects and get involved!
Watch this space! The Energiewende-O-Mat is coming soon.
DIY climate action
‘Klimaschutz zum Selbermachen – saubere Energie für alle’ is a brochure for citizens and communities who recognise climate change as an important issue and want to learn more about the benefits of a sustainable, clean energy supply.
KliB – for climate-neutral living in Berlin
The KliB CO2 calculator displays information on various kinds of consumer behaviour and their effects on the climate. We also offer ‘CO2 tips’ that provide an overview of the consumption activities with the biggest climate impact and the steps consumers can take to reduce emissions in these areas. The CO2 tips – like the calculator – divide consumer habits into five categories: nutrition, mobility, heating, electricity and other areas of consumption.
Your handprint: Seize opportunities for change!
A ‘handprint’ represents hands-on ways to increase sustainability. Germanwatch and Brot für die Welt individuals focus on opportunities for individuals to take action and get politically involved in creating structural change. For more information, see ‘Was ist der Handabdruck?’
Earth Overshoot Day
Let's #MoveTheDate! The Global Footprint Network shows how we can use existing technologies to replace business-as-usual practices we can no longer afford.
Citizen energy ecosystem
The brochure ‘Ökosystem der Bürgerenergie’ – Citizen Energy Ecosystem – is designed for citizen energy communities that want to find out more the actors and stakeholders in their ecosystem and evaluate the opportunities and challenges that may affect the success of their project.